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Hawk (Fallen Gliders MC Book 2) Page 3

  God, yes … again. Pulse thrumming and mouth dry as a bone, I flipped over, pressed my chest into the mattress and stuck my ass up in the air.

  One thrust buried him inside my aching pussy, and my brain fuzzed at the edges as he fucked the ever-loving shit out of me.


  Spent and boneless, I slumped onto the mattress and curled on my side as Hawk once more left me gasping for oxygen, cold air pebbling my sweaty skin. Satisfied and for the first time not wondering if there might be more, I lay like a corpse except for the rapid rise and fall of my chest.

  Eyes closed. Lips smiling. Goddamn, Hawk knew how to use his cock. I couldn’t turn off my brain, though. I wanted him again even though my body actually didn’t want to move. The memory of his hard cock thrusting into me … the warmth of his skin covering muscular, tattooed pecs I wanted to lick…

  He collapsed onto the bed beside me, and a warm, wet towel slid over my bare pubic bone. “Lift your leg over me,” he murmured.

  Took me a second, but I draped my leg over his hip.

  “Was I too rough?” he asked, his tone and touch gentler than I’d expected for the way he looked and fucked.

  “I liked it.”

  “You sore?” he asked, tossing the washrag aside and pulling me snug against his entire length.

  “Not really.” Still smiling, I slid my palm down over his bearded cheek. “You turn me on so damn much, two of you could fit inside of me.”

  His brow shot up.

  I laughed, betraying the jitters still fluttering in my stomach, making my brain race, and making my words sound rushed. “Not really, but you know what I mean.”

  “Yeah.” He spread his fingers across my lower back, holding my pelvis tight against his. The warmth of his exhales bathed my face with his sweet breath as we stared at each other. “Been to Sturgis before?” he finally broke the comfortable silence I fought not to fill. Can’t have him thinking I’m a lunatic after one single night. God knew I wanted way more than a quick fling.

  “Nope. This is the first year that me and my girlfriends actually hopped a plane and made it here rather than just talk about it.” Considering what club he belonged to, I wasn’t about to tell him the truth about how our dads had never listened to us beg to go with them the previous five years.

  “Earlier today…”


  A frown dented his brow. “You were on the back of a Silent Demon’s bike. You his old lady?”

  I laughed to cover the twist in my stomach. “No. They were just some guys who took us back to our hotel.”

  Hawk’s body released the tension I hadn’t realized held him. He smiled and let out a heavy breath, snuggling me closer.

  “Do you have an old lady waiting for you at home?”

  “Hell, no.”

  “Thank God.” I couldn’t contain my smile. “Where is home?”

  “New Hampshire. You?”

  “New York.”

  He slid a tangle of my hair over my shoulder and slid his fingertips down my chest to circle one nipple, his gaze on my hardening nub. “We’re pulling out the day after tomorrow.”

  Like a crack of lightning, pain raced through me, tightening my throat. “That soon?”


  I swallowed, and he lifted his gaze to my face again. “I really want to spend more time with you.”

  “Same here.”

  He bit down on his lower lip.

  “What?” I asked.

  “This is going to sound crazy…”

  I lifted one eyebrow but couldn’t tear my gaze from his perfectly bowed upper lip.

  “Will you let me take you back to New York?”

  Blinking didn’t help me find any teasing in his eyes when I jerked my attention up. “Like, ride across the country on the back of your bike?”

  “Yeah.” He rubbed his thumb over my tight nipple, waking another tingle between my thighs. “If you get sick of me, or just plain want to go home, I’ll get you a plane ticket to JFK at the nearest airport.”

  Jitters woke inside of my stomach as my mind took off down another path rather than fucking Hawk again. How to get my shit from the hotel, what to tell my friends, how to sneak off without being seen by anyone. The thought of not doing what he suggested didn’t even cross my mind.


  Hawk all-out grinned, and I rolled him onto his back, climbing to straddle his hips. “And what if I end up driving you insane?” I asked, breathless with excitement. “Gonna toss me off your bike at the nearest rest stop?”

  “You already drive me insane,” he said, his voice the lowest I’d heard as he grabbed my hips and moved me over his hardening cock.

  My turn to smirk. “You know what I mean.”

  Nothing but seriousness filled his eyes. “You radiate a joy I’ve been missing out on. Life sparkles in your eyes. Your smile. I’ll never grow tired of either. I’m going to sound like a fucking sap, but you lit up my life today, Janie, and I want to see where this can go.”

  Knowing what lay in my future, regardless of the meds I swallowed down every morning, dissolved that smile he stared at.

  “What?” he asked, rubbing his thumb over my bottom lip.

  “I—I’ve never had anyone tell me something like that before.”

  “Nothing I hate worse than lying. I’ll always be honest with you, little butterfly.”

  Wanting to ignore the niggling of nerves and shame in my stomach, I ground myself against his cock hard enough he grabbed hold of my hips again. “And what do you want right now?” I whispered, leaning down so my lips hovered an inch from his, knowing my eyes twinkled with the life he’d spoken of.

  “To fuck you until you can’t see straight.”

  “Mmm. Yes, please.”


  Her tight, soaked pussy had clamped around my cock and milked me dry for the third time in three hours. Yeah, I’d wanted to claim her puckered rosebud hole before night’s end, but her greedy cunt was like the sweetest drug to my system. Couldn’t fucking get enough. And the mewling sounds coming from her full, parted lips and the wildness in her eyes as she came…


  I shifted on my Harley as she clung to my back, her hands in constant movement sculpting my abs and chest as I drove her to her hotel at the ass-crack of dawn. I’d never acted so spontaneous and devil-may-care-ish in my life.

  She was no man’s old lady, though. Free as a bird and seemed to want me just as much as I did her. A fucking nympho, and I’d told her so. She’d claimed to have these urges on occasion that no one had been able to satiate—until me.

  I grinned like a fucking fool. Mad lust … mad everything. Jonny was going to ask what the fuck I’d gotten into, and I didn’t have the words to explain what I felt. The dizzying effect of Janie on my brain, the way she overrode all common sense, the way her life literally brightened mine.

  No fucking way was I letting her go.

  My grin remained as I pulled into her hotel’s parking lot.

  She hopped off, her gaze flitting around the parking lot and dozens of parked bikes. “See you outside One-Eyed Jacks at noon?”

  I nodded in agreement to the plans we’d made before crawling out of bed a half-hour earlier.

  Smiling and walking backward, she fluttered her fingers. See you, she mouthed, and I pulled back out of the parking lot, feeling as though I’d left my heart in her hands.

  I returned to my hotel, set my phone’s alarm for eleven-thirty, and crashed—a smile still plastered on my face even though I didn’t even know her last name.


  Skin-tight jeans plastered to Janie’s legs, heeled boots made her at least three inches taller, and a jade-green tank brought out the green in her eyes. A baseball cap pulled low on her brow, her hair in a thick braid over her shoulder—fisted in her hand as she stood fidgeting in front of One-Eyed Jacks. Her face lit up, and she dropped her hand from her hair as I rolled past her on my bike and our gazes collided.

  Once I found a place to park, I strolled back toward her, grinning like a fool. “Hey.”

  “Hey back,” she said as I stepped into her personal space but didn’t touch her rocking body.

  “You look so good, I want to fuck you right here, polo-shirted police asshole over there be damned.”

  She giggled, glancing at the rent-a-cop. “Pretty sure we could find a dark corner or a bathroom somewhere.”

  “Naughty, naughty girl.”

  Purring under her breath and running her hand up over my pecs, she leaned into me. “You have no idea.”

  I grabbed her hand and kissed her palm. “Ready to ride?”

  Her eyes twinkled. “Yes.”

  “Let’s go.”

  Hand firmly clasped in mine, she followed the short distance to my bike. Sure, I would have loved nothing better than to go back to the hotel and fuck until we passed out, but I wanted to get to know Janie better. Burrow into her brain and not just her body. See if there was common enough ground to build that something I hoped I’d found.

  She’d turned her baseball cap backwards and clung to me as we rolled up Route 90, the wind and warmth bringing the comfort of home as my Harley rumbled under us. Her fingertips traced the muscles of my upper body under my t-shirt, and my fucking cock throbbed. No way in hell we’d make the scenic loop I had planned without fucking her in the woods somewhere.

  Once in Spearfish and heading south down the canyon highway, I slowed down and enjoyed the towering ponderosa pines growing out of solid rock and the limestone walls rising around us. Dozens of bikers had fled Sturgis as well, enjoying the wildness of the Black Hills.

  I headed up into Deadwood, and we stopped at Hickok’s for a cheeseburger. Settled into a black barstool and beer ordered, I filled my eyes with the woman who’d been driving me insane since first seeing her.

  She’d left her hat with the bike, and her red-brown braid hung to the middle of her back. Sunglasses propped on the top of her head held back the wisps of hair the wind had pulled loose in the wind. Pink tinged her cheeks, and as usual, a smile twinkled in her eyes.

  “So, what do you think so far?” I asked her as the bartender set our drinks in front of us.

  “It’s so beautiful out here. Wish I’d come out sooner rather than just chatting about it with Tasha and Lori.”

  “Perfect timing, if you ask me.” Slot machines behind us dinged and clinked with coins along with the din of players and other diners, but I couldn’t pull my focus from Janie if I’d tried.

  Her phone chimed, and she pulled it from her back pocket. A slight frown furrowed her brow as she read the message and replied, her fingers flying over the screen.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah,” she murmured, but her voice didn’t convince me.

  “Running off with some strange biker … I’d be scared for you, too.”

  Her head jerked up. “Who said anyone’s scared?”

  I shrugged and took a swig of my beer. “If your friends were any friends at all, they would be.”

  “Anyway.” She shoved her phone back into her pocket and gave me a look that shot the blood straight to my dick. “Where we headed next?”


  “I’d rather find a room somewhere.”

  Chuckling, I shook my head. “No rooms available around here for miles.”

  “There’s plenty of woods around here…”

  “Waiting will make it even better.” I told her what I’d been telling myself the past hour.

  She blew a heavy breath between her lips. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”

  “Rushmore so you can say you’ve been there, then we’ll head back to Sturgis.” That damn gleam lit in her eyes again, and I groaned into my beer. “You’re like the worst drug, you know? I’ve gone too long without a hit.”

  Janie leaned toward me, her warm breath against my ear. “I’m wet and willing…”

  “Christ.” My fingers tightened around my beer, but I wanted to build, not just fuck. “You know, I don’t even know your last name.”

  She laughed and sat back in her chair to grab her Coke. “Kincade. You?”


  “Robin Richards,” she murmured, her lips smiling against the rim of her glass.


  She giggled around her mouthful of soda, and I scowled.

  “I told you my real name in confidence.”

  Her laughter continued, and I found myself smiling along. For a woman to change my mood like a light switch, she could damn well call me whatever the hell she wanted.


  “Okay, Hawk,” I said once my giggling subsided. “You’ve had your face buried between my thighs, but let’s do the whole twenty questions thing so we won’t feel like strangers.” Not that I had an issue with fucking the delicious stranger beside me, but like he’d said he wanted to see where this could go, and I was definitely on board—even if the fucked-up truth about our situation couldn’t possibly end well. Hell, I’d lied about my last name … and would without a doubt lie again if needed. Anything to keep him close for as long as I could.

  “You first,” he said.

  A knot had twisted my stomach from Tasha’s text letting me know my dad had begun to worry about me. Again, she’d covered for my ass, but I feared my anxiety would cause me to crash, ending whatever had started between Hawk and me.

  “How old are you?” I asked.



  His brow rose. “Have an issue with my age?”

  “I’m only twenty-three.”


  We both laughed. “I don’t give a fuck if you don’t,” I said, leaning toward him again, wishing I could crawl onto his lap.

  His bright, hazel eyes peered at my face, a soft smile wrinkling the skin at the corners. “I don’t give a fuck.”

  Less than two inches separated us, and I hovered close, loving the tension that zapped between us. “What is this, Hawk?” I asked.

  “I don’t know, but like I said last night, I sure as hell want to find out.”

  “You’re serious about driving me home?”


  And when I crash… “I’m looking forward to it,” I said as our burgers arrived. “How long have you been with the Fallen Gliders?” I asked a few minutes later, continuing our game.

  “Going on close to twenty years.”

  I knew the answer to my next question, but curiosity over his stance opened my mouth. “Is it true what they say about the whole brotherhood being first, family second?”

  Hawk shrugged and finished chewing a bite of his burger. “For the most part, yes.”


  A furrow appeared between his eyebrows. “Seems like the times are changing. Brothers leaving. Less tolerance from the law…” He shrugged again.

  “And where do you stand on the whole brothers versus family thing?”

  The burger in his hands held his attention as I waited. “It’s always been brothers first for me because I’ve never found a reason to think otherwise.”

  Giddiness tickled my stomach. If he didn’t take off at the first sign of my crash, maybe, just maybe the star-crossed-lovers feeling in my gut would turn out okay.

  We continued with our question game, even though I had to shade the truth here and there about who and what I was. Turned out, he wasn’t the prying type, and we ended up spending most of the time discussing our favorite HBO show that had been cancelled way too damn early for either of our tastes—Deadwood.

  Since I’d always wanted to see the real streets where Sheriff Bullock, Calamity Jane, and Hickok himself had strolled, we ended up footing it for a while, fingers laced between us. Still flying high even with the niggling of anxiety lacing my stomach, I pulled him from place to place, snapping selfies of the two of us, blowing my money on all sorts of tiny, useless trinkets I could fit in my bag, and pulling deep-seated laughter f
rom him on more than one occasion.

  Making him smile, hearing him laugh, being that light he said I’d brought to his life, became my mission, and I thrived on the thrill of curving his lips.

  An hour later—and having learned Hawk was a mechanic with his own shop, his retired father lived in Florida with his long-time girlfriend, and he’d buried his mother years earlier—same as me—we set out for Rushmore.

  I hadn’t told Hawk the truth about my mother’s death, but I rarely told anyone the fact the shit eating her mind had enticed her to hang herself. Inflicted with the same crippling mental illness, I understood all too well the depression, the voices in her head that led her to make the choice to leave me and my dad. It’d been ten years since she’d gone—ten years since I’d been diagnosed. Since then, countless highs and lows had come and gone, but I’d never once hungered for the continued high to last like I did while holding onto Hawk as we rode through the Black Hills.

  Like fingers grasping at water, I tried to hold on as we peered up at the four faces of dead presidents until we headed back north, the sun sinking to our left.

  I lay my cheek on Hawk’s back, the leather cool on my hot cheek as I snuck my hands beneath his t-shirt. Hot, hard skin met my fingertips. His stomach muscles flexed under my touch, and I slid my hands up higher, over the swell of his pecs.

  My pussy throbbed, and as usual while I was manic, I wanted to fuck. I should have enjoyed the entire day—and I did to a point, seeing one of America’s must-see sites—but Hawk’s nearness, the sexual tension between us even while just chatting, had me wet and willing like I’d told him.

  He’d seemed more interested in watching me while I checked out Deadwood and Mount Rushmore, and I couldn’t help my smile over that fact. Awareness of his hazel-eyed gaze tingled over my skin time and again all day long until I trembled with need.

  “I want you,” he’d whispered in my ear as I stared up at good old Abe.

  My answer had been to grab his hand and head back toward the bike.

  We sped north, a smile on my lips, his body tense against my front. I never wanted the emotion and high I rode to end.


  It took fucking forever to get back to his hotel. We weren’t in the door for ten seconds when he dropped to his knees and yanked my jeans to my ankles. He buried his face in my soaked pussy, his groan and lip-smacking tipping my head back against the door, my fingers fisting in the longer hair atop his head.